
I’m an assistant professor of International Relations in the Department of Government at Cornell University. I have previously taught at Morehouse College for four years (2017-2021) and have earned a doctorate in political science from the University of Florida.

I’m the Chair of the Theory Section of the International Studies Association (ISA) and a member of the ISA Executive Committee (2023-24).

I’m the recipient of the ISA’s 2020 Leroy Bennet Award and the co-winner of the 2021 Prize for the Best Article published in the African Studies Review. I serve on the editorial boards of International Studies Quarterly, Review of International Studies, International Studies Review, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, PS: Political Science & Politics, African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review, and Africa Is A Country.

My primary areas of research focus on law, violence, race, humanity, and world order(s) in international politics. I’m the author of States of Justice: The Politics of the International Criminal Court (Cambridge, 2020). My peer-reviewed articles have been published in Millennium: Journal of International Studies, Human Rights Quarterly, the Cambridge Review of International Affairs, the Oxford Encyclopedia of International Studies, International Politics Reviews, African Studies Quarterly, the Journal of Narrative Politics, Africa Today, and the African Journal of International Criminal Justice. I have also written for, have been interviewed by, and/or my research featured in, a number of media outlets across television, radio, and print. These outlets include the New York Times, The New York Review of Books, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Al Jazeera, The Washington Post, Bloomberg, Voice of America, Christian Science Monitor, BBC, Deutsche Welle, RFI, Quartz Africa, African Arguments, and World Politics Review.